how to identify callers and their needs active listening don’t interrupt, “How can I help you?”
“What would you like to know from us?”
the purpose of giving accurate and up to date information to callers, giving in
accurate information to callers means when someone calls a company, they have
done so with the anticipation of getting their question/query promptly and
professionally. Having up to date information available in a clear and concise
manner will confirm in the callers mind they made a good buying decision.
Explain the purpose
of confidentiality and security when dealing with callers, from a callers point
of view they want their personal details kept secure and confidential by
showing this when dealing with a caller you are showing them that you can be
trusted with their personal information.
For your point of view, you need to keep callers personal
information private and respect their privacy, or you could be liable for
prosecution under the data protection act. If any confidential or information
to do with security is given out, then it is causing a threat to others. Types
of information that could affect confidentiality and security are peoples
personal details, PIN numbers, National Insurance Numbers and account numbers.
These can all be kept confidential by not telling anyone them. The Data
Protection Act was setup to prevent confidential and security information from being
given out and it is breaking the law if you do. All these sorts of information
should be handled by a maximum of 2 people and seen by no one else. This way no
information will be revealed.
After answering the call following company procedure, ask
the caller if they know the name of the person they wish to speak to, if they
don’t ask regarding which department. Again if the caller doesn't know find out
briefly what the call is in reference to (briefly due to the topic the caller
may wish to discuss can be of a private matter). Using this information can
make it easier to select the right person/department.
After answering the phone following company procedure
(taking callers name, company they are from, what the call is regarding)
To caller: Explain that they will be put on hold while you
try and locate (if person unknown) or contact the person they are after or
another member of staff who is more appropriate to deal with their request.
To new recipient of the call: Who is on the line, where they
are from (company), why you are transferring the call to them and what details
have already been given to the caller. This saves time and prevents the caller
being given the same information again.
On return to the caller: Who they are being transferred to
and why they will be more useful and helpful to deal with their request.
When leaving a message for someone out of office or via a
phone message: Who the caller was, full name, where they are calling from i.e.
company. What time they rang, the details of the call and any specific details
or requests the caller wanted the intended receiver to know.