Sunday, 17 November 2013

“#Zwarte Piet” “#Black Peter” “#Blue Peter” A money maker

Do you believe in #Santa Claus? Then more fool you, he, Santa Claus definitely does not appear to care for #black people, if he did he would sack all these idiotic people who dress up at what they perceive to be how black people dress and behave. This is the biggest lie and delusion, bigger than #St Niklas himself. 

According to folklore Father Christmas arrives in Holland accompanied by his #black servant #’black Pete’.
The people dressed up seem quite wealthy and privileged as they distract the majority of descent #Dutch people to make fun and ridicule black people. They are #wealth creating at the expense of a #black image etched in their mind of others. Why should they not be #black servants for the season to show how false #humility works? After all they have been white and powerful throughout the year they may even have a gold mine or two in #South Africa or some investment as #real black people work down the mines.

St Niklas servant in blackface make-up in beautiful tunics with wonderful well made #black make-up these are great economic opportunities for whom? clown-like figures who leave biscuits and other treats for children. Blackface make-up, red lipstick and frizzy Afro wigs (good product design) are blatant racist caricatures.

 As typical with racist anti-Pete, protesters in Holland have been threatened with lynching. As usual the illogical black haters threaten violence with those who do not comply, thuggery is not good business and I do not recommend it.
The Dutch Prime Minister # Mark Rutte has sided with the “privileged” carrying out their tradition. "Black Pete is black. There's not much I can do to change that," he said.

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