Monday, 7 October 2013

Criminal Gangs to Small Business

The gang culture is not just a group of bad kids, gang culture is a structured social entity with hierarchies of power and authority. The leadership of a gang determines what level of criminal activity the gang will function at, and the characteristics of the gang's leader will be evident in the gang's day-to-day activities.

From crime to business, changes can drive the gang from crime to success by ethical means. By trying to identify what business ethics are instead of sharp practices and being a rogue, makes your services serve the better good. 

Instead of being a part of the problem they could try to become part of the solution and identify ways to problem solve to be better entrepreneur seeking innovative solutions; rather than direct criminal action.  They could do it, and not give in to childish practices such as stealing and preying on the weak and vulnerable with the use of intimidation and the threat of violence.  Violence is never an option in business

The people doing real life sentences are those that are free and still committing crimes locked in the cycle of materialism that can never give them true satisfaction whilst being anti-social; having to cover there shame with the most expensive goods that can be found on the high street.

“Being good is good Business" Dame Angela Roddick (1942-2007).   

We have to tell our gang members that: “You can change their ways by turning around their efforts of malicious intent to benevolence, see it is a long term marketing strategy. If your service or product is seen as bad people will shun you, have no doubts. If your reputation is one of violence people will shun you as they seek for peace.”
Do you want to be an attractive force for good on the wider stage? Or squeezed in the corner with criminal intentions with your world becoming ever smaller.

Gang leaders should change the name of their gangs to “Ethical Principles” and act on the definition of ethical. It is time for ethical principles and standards in business for you to define acceptable conduct in business; and to understand how management make decisions without intimidation.

An ethical decision is one that is both legal and meets the shared ethical standards of your  community, different cultures are affected in different ways ethically; for some graffiti is a work of art but for others it is a public nuisance that has to be eradicated.

Should you sell drugs?

Given that you do not have a pharmaceutical license; that is you are not a chemist, you have no idea what benefits or otherwise the “substance” will have on others it is plain and simply “wrong”.  If you take drugs illegally then it is attempted suicide or misadventure by misuse and that causes addiction and from this addiction leads to a wasted life.

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