Tuesday, 26 November 2013

A Little Faster Little Harder

There is no time for prevarication any more, not even much chance to pay our bills a little late; they are on your case spontaneously.  I put it down to the advent of modern computerisation it was bad when they done away with typewriters.Now we have to type and even think a little faster. 
What I did not foresee is that we have to move a little quicker, I know we had people moving like robots that was part of the modern culture, we could do the robot dance and jerky movements (slowly). Now that robots have been improved and are more natural more human like, there is little difference in the expectations. Time and motion used to be the sampling of one’s work rate, now everybody is expected to move at work like Usain Bolt. The tea lady who stocks up the tea machine; The security guard as he opens the gates in the morning , the receptionist as she answers the phone as quickly as possible when will it all end. You either move faster at work or are dismissed simples.  If you are caught reading you are accused of sleeping with your eyes open.

Does it maximise productivity and Profit? I don’t think so, we seem to be moving away from the post human workforce and entering an era of Man V Machine, Where the tempo or beat of the galley slaver is formulated as a permanent tempo for battle.  As shown on the Panorama investigation of #Amazon It is the opinion of Giles Bedloe a Barrister consulted, said work which is of physical strain should not work in excess of 8 hrs of a given period to protect the rights and interest of its employees.  The motivating factor is to meet productivity targets according to what is monitored by the hand held machine.  Professor Michael Marmot an expert on stress at work concluded that the dimensions of the work environment can be bad for your health causing mental illness and physical illness.          

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Basic Skills in Industries Business start up

Basic Skills in Industries Business start 

No matter what part of the world you are if you are truly proficient and sufficiently proud of your culture and have all the ingredients necessary around you, you can specialise in some aspect of your own cultural industry.  But, people need a broad range of skills in order to contribute to a modern economy and take their place in the technological society. The development of people’s proficiency in basic and key skills is now a central part of personal development.

Basic skills are defined: literacy in English and numeracy  as well as English as a second language if you are abroad. You need Key skills for Communication, Application of Number, Information Technology, Working with Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance, and Problem Solving. There is always support for individuals to develop key skills is regarded as a central feature of the strategy to increase national prosperity through the development of a highly-skilled and well-educated workforce which is able to play a full part in the knowledge-based economy.
The Moser Report (1999) revealed that approximately 20 per cent of adults in England, about seven million people, ‘have more or less severe problems with basic skills, in particular with what is generally called ‘functional literacy’ and ‘functional numeracy’.

The report stated that:
It is staggering that over the years millions of children have been leaving school hardly able to read and write, and that today millions of adults have the same problems.

The report also noted that only approximately 250,000 of the seven million adults, around 28 per cent, had taken part in relevant programmes of study to improve their basic skills.

A study undertaken by Sticht (2001), with the objective of determining factors which may motivate adults with basic skills needs to improve their skills, found that the main reasons cited for participating in such programmes included the following:

  • emotional – to feel better about themselves
  • practical – to be better at everyday tasks that involve basic skills
  • to improve IT skills
  • to obtain a qualification
  • the course was near home.

However, as Tremlett (1995) states, individuals with basic skills problems are generally less likely to be current or past learners. For example, at any time, only five percent of the estimated seven million adults in the UK with limited basic skills receive formal assistance (Love and Banks 2001).
So have no fear there is always someone to help you.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

“#Zwarte Piet” “#Black Peter” “#Blue Peter” A money maker

Do you believe in #Santa Claus? Then more fool you, he, Santa Claus definitely does not appear to care for #black people, if he did he would sack all these idiotic people who dress up at what they perceive to be how black people dress and behave. This is the biggest lie and delusion, bigger than #St Niklas himself. 

According to folklore Father Christmas arrives in Holland accompanied by his #black servant #’black Pete’.
The people dressed up seem quite wealthy and privileged as they distract the majority of descent #Dutch people to make fun and ridicule black people. They are #wealth creating at the expense of a #black image etched in their mind of others. Why should they not be #black servants for the season to show how false #humility works? After all they have been white and powerful throughout the year they may even have a gold mine or two in #South Africa or some investment as #real black people work down the mines.

St Niklas servant in blackface make-up in beautiful tunics with wonderful well made #black make-up these are great economic opportunities for whom? clown-like figures who leave biscuits and other treats for children. Blackface make-up, red lipstick and frizzy Afro wigs (good product design) are blatant racist caricatures.

 As typical with racist anti-Pete, protesters in Holland have been threatened with lynching. As usual the illogical black haters threaten violence with those who do not comply, thuggery is not good business and I do not recommend it.
The Dutch Prime Minister # Mark Rutte has sided with the “privileged” carrying out their tradition. "Black Pete is black. There's not much I can do to change that," he said.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Re: Training & Employment Opportunity

One of the most empowering and fulfilling aspect of my career was working with the  #Lagu family in "Sudan in the Diaspora" and providing unfettered support for the community members in Hackney. I remember it as though it was yesterday.

Dear Community member, 

 Re:      Training & Employment Opportunity
 We are happy to write to you about the training & employment programme we now have in Diaspora. 

Diaspora is an organization established to assist and support members of the Sudanese community especially those fleeing from persecution and the on-going war in south Sudan.  We were initially funded to offer advice and information on matters affecting refugees and asylum seekers such as immigration, welfare benefits, housing, health and social care, education, training and employment.  Through hard work and dedication of the management committee, staff and volunteers of Diaspora, we have now secured funding for running a training& employment programme, especially tailored to meet the needs of refugees and asylum seekers from the Sudan.  This programme will be NVQ Level I&2 primarily.  However, advanced courses can be arranged for those who fulfill the criteria.  We will offer courses in the following: 
·         ESOL ( English for Speakers of other Languages)
·         Numeracy (Maths)
·         ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
·         Administration
·         Job Search Skills
·         Small businesses development
 If you would like to improve your spoken/written English or you need grounding in math’s; if you need to develop assertiveness, and sell the good qualities you have to employers; if you are fed up of looking for jobs and would like to try self-employment, then this is the program for you.  We are able to run classes separately for men and women, if required. 
Don’t delay your chances of entering into the job market or setting up your own business.  If this sounds like a good idea fill the attached form and send it back to us as soon as possible.  If you are not so certain or have other considerations or obstacles, then give us a call.  Our friendly staff will arrange a home visit to explain the program further.  The classes will start in ......
It is now 13 years since this commenced I sincerely hope all members of the community somehow benefited from this because the experience I gained from such beautiful people was immeasurable.
I am still available to provide any assistance you require.

Clive R. R. Anderson

The Person in the Mirror Decisions Decisions Decisions

The Person in the Mirror;  Decisions Decisions Decisions 

The way you see yourself in relation to your work defines your productive output to society. If you have no concept or a woolly miss-mash of ideas that will define you and cause vulnerability others will then quickly define you and use you to their own advantage (believe me, it will not benefit you).

With a specific career goal you will at least identify what training you will need with a continuing lifelong learning programme and the situation that you may have to place yourself.  

“..........a job role that matched their career values, identifying this made it easier for them to make decisions in a more planned and strategic way in order to achieve this aim.”

Or the situation where: ‘At the moment, I can afford to go to school. At least, I can pay a part time course.[…]”

 On the other hand on deciding on a career early on in your life, but become subsequently disillusioned and were now struggling to identify other career paths. However, most people had little idea what sort of business they wanted to have, in what industry and how to go about opening a business. They may require support in terms of developing viable business ideas. 

There is no shame in seeking expert advice such as from a person seasoned in that line of business and to bear in mind that most business  are going through a revolution with the introduction of new technology; with automation in the factories and computer assisted production there are plenty of niches to fit into.

Time is on your side providing you seek out as many aspects of your business as possible. I think it is better to have aspirations than no aspirations.




Sunday, 3 November 2013

Black Offenders Entrepreneurial Journey in Britain

Whilst the overwhelming majority of the prison population is White/British the offenders from the ethnic minorities are disproportionate to their relative size in the total workforce, and will have an impact on the application of the Enterprise Journey; to offenders.
The Differences between Ethnic Groups , Whilst ethnic minority groups overall have a self-employment rate similar (eight per cent) to white groups (eight per cent), there is a wide variation between ethnic groups. Black, African, Caribbean and Black British people (four per cent) have lower self-employment rates than Pakistani (11 per cent), Indian (eight per cent), Bangladeshi (eight per cent) and Chinese (eight per cent) people (BIS, 2012).
 There are high aspirations to start up in business amongst ethnic minority groups, especially Black African (35 per cent) and Black Caribbean (18 per cent) groups (compares with 10 per cent for White British counterparts), but ‘conversion’ to start-ups remains very low (BIS, 2007).
The self-employment rate of migrant groups is higher than that of the UK-born population. Nine per cent of adults born outside of the UK are self-employed compared to eight per cent for those born in the UK (BIS, 2009).
 New migrant groups have higher aspirations to start up in business (18 per cent for those entering since 2000) than the general adult population of England (11 per cent). This may be partly explained by age structure as more new migrants are younger than in the general population (BIS, 2007).
 Characteristics of Ethnic Minority Led SME’s,  Ethnic minority led businesses have similar growth aspirations to UK SME’s as a whole. In 2007, 68 per cent of ethnic minority led businesses with employees intended to grow their business over the next 2-3 years (compares with 67 per cent of all UK SME employers) (: BIS, 2009).  
Ethnic minority led businesses are more likely to have employees than non-ethnic minority led businesses. 31 per cent of ethnic minority led businesses had employees (compared to 27 per cent of non-ethnic minority led UK SME’s) (BIS, 2008).

Ethnic minority led businesses are more likely to be service sector businesses and more likely to be sole proprietorships than non-ethnic minority led businesses. They are also on average younger than non-ethnic minority led businesses (BIS, 2008).
 London has the highest proportion of ethnic minority led businesses, with 21 per cent of SME’s in the region being Minority Ethnic Group led (MEG-led). The North East, the South West and Northern Ireland all have low proportions of MEG-led businesses (BIS, 2008).
 All of the imitative offending rates are predicated on the fact that < 46% of offenders in 2010 had a previous conviction (Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly Update) and that statistic should be a target for concerted action; with a prison population in 2013 of 86,000. All of the work of AIM seeks to find innovative new solutions to this long – seemingly – intractable problem. One consequence of the tremendous growth in the number of persons under the offender management in the criminal justice system, whether incarcerated, subject to post release licence or community sentence, is the effect of this criminal history on finding and keeping a job. Ex-offenders, especially those recently released from prison, face substantial barriers too many types of legal employment; nonetheless, stable employment is one of the  best predictors of post-sentence success. Thus, policy-makers concerned about high recidivism rates face an obvious need to improve the employment prospects of ex-offenders.
Over the last 25 years, many programmes that were designed to increase employment (and, by so doing, reduce recidivism) among ex-offenders have been implemented and evaluated. Well meaning intervention programmes taking offenders into paid employment have, in the main, not worked and newer thinking has to be applied.
Notes and References
At the commencement of this research the UK Prison population stood like and by ethnicity:
 Prison Population Ethnicity June 2012 Pop Totals % Asian/ Asian British 6,335 7.4% 5.87%
Black/ African/ Caribbean/ Black British 11,281 13.1% 2.81%
Mixed/ Multiple Ethnic Group 3,159 3.7% 1.8% White 61,867 71.9% 83.35%
Other Ethnic Group 960 1.1% 0.82% Not Known/Not Provided 2,446 2.8% 5.35%  86,048 100% 100%
Table 5: Prison Population June 2012

Saturday, 2 November 2013

The European Economic Community Recruitment Agency (factory job in the Midlands)

When mishaps occur and everything seems to be going wrong, any time from then things will turn around suddenly and I will rise again. This seems to happen to me the thing is to persevere and keep on going. I can remember in the job centre looking and answer as the assistant’s questions,  in a depressed and mono toned way, and I telling her that things are bad and I am about to be evicted. She quaintly replied that I would need to give her my change of address, soon yah.

 I had an outer of body experience and could see my pathetic form talking to a person who was not in the slightest bit interested in me and my circumstances. She had the set questions to ask and that was final.
I was a “black” and she knew how despicable “blacks” could be. At least with the British we went to the same schools; watched the same television programmes shared the same culture. Racism was one of trying to integrate in a dysfunctional “multicultural entity” called society.

With the Eastern European newly elevated status as “boss” they were “Not understanding me, how you say.......... you want to work no!!! We have plenty work, you work hard..... Good. Not like lazeeee.”

I looked in her eyes and swallowed the bitter bile as it rose in my throat. [A Thought bubble Like steam wafted above my head] showing years of oppression and the fight for equality in Britain. The reverting back to oppressive prejudicial forces, as the Eastern Europeans, brings their version of racism. I am going back to the future and tasting what my parents and their generation had to put up with, only to return to the oppressive forces; A moving back to square one or a new resistance?

This person is interviewing me for a job in Britain is Eastern European? Anything I say or do will be prejudicially judged and used against me and justified by her mentor from some Slavic regime. All I can do is be staring in disbelief, No!!!] She speaks to another client in her accentuated gibberish as she speaks to him i Recognise terms that she omitted to speak to me like SIA licence and CIS card to   work. She asks me. “Have you been a criminal?” No I respond with a straight face, my SIA licence does not permit this. “Oh you have SIA, good she scrutinise this card with such precision, and I swear she must have been a police woman or secret agent somewhere in Europe.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Has your CV become your epitaph? Well let’s change that.

The CV is not a biography, but a way to show what you can do for the hiring manager.

For many of us writing and submitting our cv’s is just a daily occurrence, we regularly send our cvs to selected employers we even make such documents readily available to everybody hat cares to view it.
But do you realise that such documents are viewed subjectively by someone in the human resources team with their own bias and subjective outlook on life looking for reasons not to employ you. Some of us find tat or names alone are enough not to employ us it might sound foreign, where. It’s illegal you may say, but that never stopped unfair treatment and discrimination in the past so why would it stop them now. In times of economic hardship the first ones to feel the heat is the foreigner or someone with a foreign are sounding name. When they ask you to fill the Equal opportunity form, please don’t be fooled they use it to discriminate against you as companies become more ethnically cleansed.
Who does the cleansing? Human Resources. How do they cleanse? By your epitaph that you carefully compiled and sent to them, If you are 50 or over a twenty something human resources clerk has no true concept of  your life experiences and what they mean and does not even care.
Now more than ever is the time to become self employed or if you must try this for your next CV.

 List your work history reverse chronologically starting with your current or most recent position. For each position you have held, show the dates you had the position, the place of employment and your title. Flesh out each job you have had with a summary of specific skills, tasks and responsibilities to give an idea of the scope of the position and your duties.
Review the listing or advertisement of the position you are applying for and make a list of the qualities and skills they need. The point is to focus your CV on what you can do to help the company you are applying to achieve its goals, rather than just give information about yourself.
List accomplishments under each job you have had, in bullet point format, tailoring them to the needs of the job you are applying for as much as possible. Be as specific as you can. For a sales job, show increased sales percentages in a past position, or what the amounts were. For a management position, show your expertise by listing successful projects or similar achievements.

Place your name and full contact information at the top of the CV, and be sure to include telephone and email information. List other skills or relevant interests at the end of the CV, such as language or computer skills.

Monday, 28 October 2013

"...a little slow, a little late." - Avon Barksdale (The Wire)

Prez begins to redeem himself in the eyes of his colleagues by taking a fresh approach to the pager information. Wallace spots Brandon, one of Omar's crew, in an arcade and passes the information on to the Barksdale enforcers.

Do you prevaricate and have difficulty making decisions about key issues because you do not want to be seen as impetuous, you could be losing money and missing opportunities; just because you will not communicate with someone. The services and products you have to offer. Information all around us, but yes all we see and hear is noise. What you are looking for maybe is not what you need but sometimes it is disguised and packaged in a way we least expect it to be.

Do you spend hours dreaming, visualising and seeing your business ideas and wishes come into play. But one of the central elements that drove successful entrepreneurs to success was time management. An average individual is able to attain mediocre results from some allotted time; however, a wise entrepreneur makes the most use of that time. He/she is gifted with the ability to utilize time perfectly and to obtain results from every single minute spent.
They realize the value of every moment and work hard to make it worthwhile.
Maximize Time and Money
They Maximized Time and Money and successful entrepreneurs take certain steps that put them on the path to maximum productivity and profits. The following is a measures entrepreneur’s take to ensure sound business operations.
The Using Rather than Fearing Technology: Technology has emerged into every aspect of life. It has helped to make business processes more convenient and swift. Successful entrepreneurs employ technology to their advantage; they exploit the various benefits it offers by incorporating technological advances in every aspect of the business. This helps to reduce costs in the long run and to improve productivity.   Take opportunities more speedily and reason with the clients. There is nothing wrong with visualising your goals but the need to make them happen and turning them into reality is the ultimate goal. If your goals are easily attainable it might be more challenging to adjust them slightly.

Thinking against the clock can sometimes be difficult but you will win in the longer term if you have a clearly defined strategy of perseverance and as with the king safely tucked away you can make it a level playing field. You may have to look again at your strategy from the point of the customer or even changing the product or being more amenable to the client.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

"You cannot lose if you do not play." - Marla Daniels, the wire.

Maybe you are afraid of losing that is a justifiable reason not to play or participate in self determined action to help yourself.  Wait a minute may be if I participate and become an entrepreneur I might alleviate some of my poverty and activate my skills and in the process meet people and cause a chain reaction to success.

My friend phoned me again; today he said I got a contract for you. Can you get a dog or know someone with a dog as you had before?  Well I know the requirements to have a working security dog; the main ones are a keeper’s licence, a transportation licence and insurance in case the dog bites anyone. There are numerous lessons to be learned here but the main one is not to let anyone rush you. You do not know where you might end up or with what type of animal. Yet still, it was a brilliant thought and a great opportunity and one of the many projects that I will be working on in my portfolio of entrepreneurial activities. However, I am fully at play here, I have engaged my mind and broadened my horizon; I have to do a full updated research of “man/woman and guard dog”.

Never dismiss anyone or possible opportunity for work if it gives you a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. It is one of the key competences for lifelong learning, helping people in their daily lives, in the work place; it serves as a basis for establishing a social or a commercial activity. Awareness should be raised about the entrepreneurial potential of thought, action and projects.  It is important to underline that entrepreneurial skills also help people adapt to other non-entrepreneurial careers.

In my case a warm fuzzy feeling was felt at the thought of a working K9, working to its full capacity with boundless energy, just waiting for my commands.  Yes a dog, taken care of, groomed, fed, exercised, trained and legally transported in an air conditioned vehicle. How happy he would be when it’s time to play.

The Problems for the Entrepreneur in a Digital Market Place.

Let us not develop into higher forms of servitude; “we shall never never be slaves” so the song goes. The problem is one of creating employment amongst ourselves. We have to use every type of information retrieval and dissemination. We have to use electronic information effectively. Not just the oral tradition by songs and verbal story telling but also the use of digital information.
Where Entrepreneurship is a hot topic, yet there is no agreed definition of entrepreneurship. There is even a debate about whether entrepreneurship can be taught! To be an entrepreneur now is not what it was like 10 years ago; it is far advanced now and has a Considerable way to go.
At the Imperial College London business school they give us an idea of the type of “E” or electronic areas by the Innovation and entrepreneurship  group.

Global development is monitored in the “Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2013 byErkko Autio et al” This text and case study collection is designed to stimulate critical thinking and reflective learning relating to entrepreneurship. The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index both capture the context features of entrepreneurship and fills a gap in the measurement of development. Building on recent advances in entrepreneurship and economic development, the authors have created an index that offers a measure of the quality of the business formation process in 118 of the most important countries in the world. The authors expertly capture the contextual feature of entrepreneurship by focusing on entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurial actions and entrepreneurial aspirations.

Another study shows us that instead of spending to create knowledge, knowledge has to create wealth. Creating Wealth from Knowledge edited by John Bessant and Tim Venables. This book illustrates that, although innovation has always mattered in economic development, simply increasing expenditure in creating knowledge may not be the answer: we need to look at the whole system through which such knowledge translates to value creation.
The contributors explore the implications of the changing twenty-first century context of networked, global and increasingly open innovation - a world in which knowledge flows become as important as knowledge creation. In so doing, they address four key questions: what is the context within which innovation occurs in the UK? How do new firms form on the basis of knowledge and its deployment? How do established firms access and use knowledge to improve their current activities and generate new directions? What technical and organizational infrastructures enable these activities?

To get down to the root problems and to realise these answers is a worthy pursuit.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The King must reason with his customers

I received a phone call this morning from a very persuasive former business colleague within the security industry, as this is one of my lines of business, I remember him instantly as he owed me money, but to maintain my integrity we parted amicably despite the debt. Basically to hear from him sounded like he was trawling through his phone and strategically came across my name. Fortunately I remembered my posting yesterday “The King is the king”. As He gave me a calling to join him in business, and generate work for his security company he promised a massive commission from my hard work. I got back to my desk and penned him the following email.
Dear J
It was very inspirational talking to you; I will transcribe this for my business blog. 
So you want me to cold call unknown companies with the hope of getting a contract
On the fly and be rewarded with lucrative payment. I am not against such an idea, and I think it is wonderful you thought of me. I am in need of cash now ! ! a promise is not going to cut it. A systemic approach could meet
 Our needs but such an approach needs thought and diligence. It is even difficult to get a
 Response from an email let alone a cold call. I have no resources to use as speculative capital for your venture.

The opportunity cost for me seeking and gaining employment by an interview is much less than 
me gaining a contract with management in tow.
RalstonRoy . <cliverranderson@gmail.com> 

 via srs.bis7.eu.blackberry.com  

12:21 (4 hours ago)
to me Ok Clive

Many thanks for your response. I empathize with your concern.
Life is a small gamble at times, some will pay dividend, and some will not.

Enjoy the rest of your day. 
Many thanks for your response. I empathize with your concern.
Life is a small gamble at times, some will pay dividend, and some will not. 
Do you like your potential customers or have a good relationship with them can you reason with them?

Identify your targeted customers, their characteristics, and their geographic locations.
The description will be completely different depending on whether you plan to sell to other businesses or directly to consumers. If you sell a consumer product, but sell it through a channel of distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, you must carefully analyse both the end consumer and the middleman businesses to which you sell. For your most important customer group, construct what is called a demographic profile that is their age, gender, location income level occupation, education. Always remember, The king is the King and the Queen is powerful.

"The king stay the king." - D'Angelo from (The Wire)

“You can’t play checkers on a chess board” – D’Angelo (Episode 1 season 1 The Wire)

Keeping on top of the competition can be difficult; it’s advantageous if you see the hidden complexities and the obvious ones. Competition in business is an important motivating factor for the entrepreneur keeping in tune with available strategic information is quite important.  Playing in an institutional racist environment where the rules and daily play are stacked against you makes it difficult but not insurmountable. Much of  my blog will touch on these issues because that is my experience since living in Britain.

Once you've identified your competitors, the competition section of your business plan is pretty simple: Discuss how you are identifying the competition and then list the top two or three competitors you consider major threats. If you want to do a really thorough job, go a step further and include a blurb on each competitor's response to you and how you might anticipate and deflect their actions.
Always deliver more than expected

With the economy slowly getting better you try to stay on your feet and do your best to overcome the tough times. As a hard working entrepreneur you need some inspiring quotes that will make you work better and focus on your success;

Don’t rush, but review and Work hard and success will come!!!

It's not just about merchandising; it's about the whole experience you offer your visitors. Time they spend in your sales arena whether or not they buy--is time they used to spend somewhere else. That somewhere else is your competition. Again, the question to ask is: If they aren't walking in your door, where are they walking instead?
What you're listening is the criteria in your customers' minds that they use to choose you over others. Those are what you want to duplicate as you expand, and those are what you want to use to identify competitors. If you have a clothing store and customers tell you your styles and selection keep them coming back, then your competition will be rooted in fashion. If they tell you it's your convenient mall-based locations and overall "feel" that keep them coming back, your challenge will be identifying other chains that appeal to the same consumer and offer mall-based experiences that compete with yours.
If the soul of your business is about specialized services, then consider where people might go to get those same services.

To keep on top of the competition it necessary to present and act on strategic information that is available.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Big News Brian is a Double Winner !!!!!!!!

Here is a real and living example, no matter off the map your idea is give it ago, you will win in the end. Brian is a real and shining example, let us sing go Brian, Go Brian and say well done and congratulations. Yes I know there are thieves out there and racist evil persons and institutions only to ready to steal your ideas and make a fortune from them. I know slavery has changed into a modern day business model for the exploiters. My friend Donna Halley-Moore posted a link of Brian. 

Top of Form!!!! Well done Brian, Hurray!!!! You are a winner all the way. Lime Pictures and ITV did not expect this. They underestimated Brian Belo. They thought. ‘This is a black man from Essex; he is an air head, wears blue contact lenses and relaxes his hair. Yeah we can get away with this’.”

Let us all learn from Brian. Do NOT submit your script or article to more than one journal or production team at a time. This is unethical and you will eventually get caught. If your study requires approval by a review board or ethics committee, be sure to get the documentation as needed and follow it to the letter. Read and follow ALL of the guidelines for manuscript preparation listed. Most have very specific formatting and style guidelines write as though your work is meaningful and important. If you don’t, people will not perceive it as meaningful and important. Critique your own work. Look for areas that reviewers might spot as weaknesses and either correct these areas or comment on them in your manuscript, leaving reviewers with fewer options for negative criticisms and be painstaking. Be thorough and patient with several rounds of editing of your work. Do email the editor to see if your manuscript topic is appropriate. Mail your script or article to yourself and do not open it or register it with a solicitor.

"...When it's not your turn" – McNulty (Season1 )

Unlike McNulty, in the real world positive and determined individuals stand a much better chance and have a higher probability of success. However, if people are self determined and not dependent upon someone else to make their opportunities it is always “your turn” with the appropriate product or service. It takes all sorts to signpost you towards business opportunities and to be a mentor, Bubbles (Season, 1 “The Wire) acts a mentor to another addict, in a business scam. When taking advice from a mentor you have to make sure the mentor is reputable and follows their own tried and tested advice and has the results to show for it. Beware there are many charlatans out there some might even tell you that the time is not right or it’s not your turn yet.
 Ideas are in abundance. We all know people with passion, vision, ambition and a real desire to make a difference with their new ventures. Lack of effective execution is the number one reason for failure in my opinion. Execution begins when you have validation of your idea (e.g early sales) and have made a significant commitment to your business e.g. received investment, quit your job or re-mortgaged your house. You must get out there and meet real customers in their world. Witness them dealing with your product, procuring and using your services. Only then can you really know what’s really going on.
 Watch who you get into business with, Watch who you get into business……..do you get the message? Try to avoid getting into business with a Bubbles type person if you want profit on your capital spending.  Manage cash flow with surgical precision and do not ever hide bad news from yourself or others.  Look after yourself. Manage your capacity and keep in touch (in person not on-line!) with the other world.
 If you accept supervision agree on the methods of supervision. What attitudes and behaviours support the supervision process; what undermines the process and what areas have potential risks? If possible sign a confidentiality contract if you are divulging aspects of your business to your supervisor.
To make it your time, research opportunities and read evaluations of products and services and think critically ways and means of improving on these.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Stringer Bell played by Idris Elba used this in his Business Management Meetings, it might be useful.

Stringer Bell played by Idris Elba used this in his Business Meeting Managements I hope it helps you to develop your plans. “Roberts Rule Book” How do you conduct yourself and organise a Meeting?
Rule Book.
Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. - may interrupt only if necessary!
Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion - to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of order
Point of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: "I should like to ask the (speaker) a question."
Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)
Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is made
Main Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assembly
Divide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)
Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble cannot be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.
Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutions
Withdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floor
Commit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).
Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of time
Limit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of time
Postpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumed
Object to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is stated
Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending
Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table
Reconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or view
Postpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session - exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this session
Previous Question: Closes debate if successful - may be moved to "Close Debate" if preferred
Informal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into "Committee of the Whole" - informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.
Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide - must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of business
Suspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly's own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified

Copied from © 1997 Beverly Kennedy